Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tempel und Heidelburg

Elli and Abby sitting on the temple wall. Moments earlier it could have appropriately been called the wailing wall. So is life with 2 girlies but they sure are cute when they sit still.

Frankfurt Tempel

Cute German homeless girl

Heidelberg castle - one of the coolest German castles as far as history goes. This castle was big around 1500's. Martin Luther came through Heidelberg and gave a famous sermon against the CAtholic church. He noted that the castle looked like it had great defenses. Maybe that made the Dukes who lived here overly proud and pick fights easily because this place was seiged three times and demolished twice in a hundred year period. The day before the last king was going to move in and remodel lightning struck and destroyed the large wood portion. He decided it was sign from heaven not to live here.

Elli liked this fountain.

The last time the French conquerers invaded and took the castle they blew up the outside walls with mines. I think this is what caused this huge section of the torret to slide off.

Heidelberg Castle 1620 - Renneisance terraced gardens (lots of earth moving to make this happen)


Tan said...

Great pictures! Your girls are so beautiful, and the scenery don't stink, neither.

Are you in the part of Germany where people say "Moin" for "Hi"? I am on some German knitting groups and I have to look things up all the time that weren't in my German classes. Kyle, did you know I sort of learned German from your aunt? We went to dinner with Herb and Jane before they went on their mission, and your aunt--is it Rosemary? and her husband came, too. She recorded the language lab tapes that were the number one reason I developed a decent accent.

Justin said...

love the pictures

Abby is getting big. I can understand the wailing wall comment. Have you ever been to the wailing wall?

poor little homeless girl
("homeless, homeless, you smell like you are...")