Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fashing and Bebenhausen

Germany has a weeklong holiday that seems a little odd to us non natives. Its like halloween without the candy and kids get off school for a week and dress up and have parades and parties. Here we have our pirate and princess, type cast for personalities I think. .This is our latest daytrip to a little town called Bebenhausen. Flat Stanley came along for the ride thanks to Jackson Holzer. Bebenhausen is a little town whose main attraction this big church which was a convent. Very cool


Ginger said...

I am honored to have you think that Abby is like me Sal. She's practically perfect in every way. I sure like Elli too, which make sense if you think Elli is like you.

Tan said...

German Mardi Gras! Hurray!

karren said...

I can't wait to do a little sight seeing with the Holzer clan.