Monday, January 5, 2009

I'll be home for Christmas

This year due to a VERY generous and WISE husband I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas in the states. That meant a very nice long stay at the home I grew up at in Boise, IDaho. It also mean the girls got some great time with Grandma and their tease of a grandpa. We enjoyed the front porch swing, leaning to make beet juice, sleigh rides with Grandma, feeding Sadie dog a million dog cookies, and our first time playing in the snow. What a great trip and what awesome grandparents for being so good to us!!


Nancy said...

I'm so glad you got to go home and spend the holidays with your family. Cute pictures!

A*Waite said...

Thanks for emailing, I am so glad we were able to catch up. Your kids are so sweet!

karren said...

Elli and Abby, I miss you.