Monday, August 30, 2010


Besides, Mom's Birthday of course, here are some of the other exciting events for us this month:
One of our most favorite visitors has stopped by a few times this summer. I am always impressed at how easily my babies love her. How could you not??
Elli is holding up 0 for her grade in school (Kindergarten)

Abby and her 'schuletute' for her first day of Preschool (thank you Grandma)
(A schuletute is a german present for the first day of school)

Child labor: here is a picture of our apricot girls. We are lucky to have access to a couple of very prolific apricot trees, its a good thing we have such great helpers. We even made up a little working song..."I'll be the pitter, you be the squisher, we all work together to get the job done"

Kirsti's Walking!!

Kirsti has been walking for a few weeks now and we are all happier!

The Holzer Salon

Another day at the Holzer Salon, and what other all natural ingredient would we use here??

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our New Way to Walk

The way we celebrated our new sidewalk!

Monday, August 2, 2010

New Mexico - It grows as it goes

We took a family trip to New Mexico to visit family and had a great time. We enjoyed the company even more than the scenery!

Happy Birthday Kirsti

Kirsti loves Grandma Holzer. Who wouldn't!! Here is the birthday girl with her Grandma showing off her "cheese" and her new ball.

Kirsti reached the 1 year mark last week. Her favorite gift was a roll of toilet paper which she has carried around with her the past few weeks tearing off little bits here and there. What fun!